Youth Squad Descriptions

Swimming Program for All Levels

The long-term competition and training model that has been implemented into our Squad Program offers you several holistic benefits.

It's a Swimming Queensland initiative, and the model aims to ensure that children are introduced to certain types of swimming training at the appropriate time. This is referred to as "critical periods of trainability" and requires careful consideration and planning by our coaches.

For long-term success to take place, it is essential that children are nurtured accordingly, and those popular progressions are not rushed or overlooked. It is detrimental to your child's swimming if they are moved into the next group before they are ready.


$23.50 / lesson/ per week
Time table sessions available - 2 Sessions per week

This program builds on the core and foundation elements learnt in swimming and water safety education, as each skill is broken down into segmented and achievable components that streamline and refine technique and enhance the development of efficiency and endurance ready for movement through to competitive swimming streams.


Time table available - 6 Sessions per week

The junior groups need to develop their motor skills by improving their coordination and buoyancy. The aim is NOT to create unnecessary fatigue as this only leads to poor technique.

The emphasis must be on skill and drill development, which will assist with stroke technique and body awareness. It is essential that great habits are taught at a young age, and therefore "perfect practice" is the key to creating "perfect results".

As the children progress through our squads, stroke drills move from being very simple to a little more complicated and the distances covered in training increase.

Technique comes before aerobic development. This means that great technique over shorter distances is far more beneficial than poor technique over longer distances. The latter only instils bad habits.


Time table available - 10 Sessions per week

Although a greater emphasis is placed on physical conditioning at this level, the top priority continues to be refinement and development of good technique. At this stage of training all swimmers should be able to swim each stroke with sound technique, assuming this to be true it is appropriate to introduce the following:

- Aerobic Phase - Anaerobic Phase - Speed Phase - Adaption Phase


Time table available - 10 Sessions per week

The number one priority for this level will be centred on a highly specialised physical conditioning program. 
Mental training and race preparation will also be emphasised to a greater extent than any other level.

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